My Projects

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These are some of my past projects. I have projects using HTML/CSS, JavaScript and React

Great Idea Home Page

Languages Used: HTML and CSS

I structured this web page using HTML and CSS using only display inline-block. I also created the header and set it to be fixed

GitHub Project Page
Great Idea Service Page

Languages Used: HTML and CSS

I structured this service page by adding the HTML and CSS, in this project I used CSS Flex box to design the page.

GitHub Project Page
Lambda Home Page

Languages Used: HTML and CSS

I structured this Lambda home page with HTML and CSS also creating the header and linking the about page

GitHub Project Page
Lambda About Page

Languages Used: HTML and CSS

I structured this about page using HTML and CSS. I used CSS flexbox to make the page more responsive and user friendly

GitHub Project Page
Fun Bus Home Page

Languages Used: HTML and CSS

I structured this page with HTML, I also used Less to style the page and create the navigation header and buttons

GitHub Project Page
Space Walkers Home Page

Languages Used: HTML and CSS

This is a sprint build of Space Walkers home page using HTML and CSS also made the page responsive using media queries for mobile design

GitHub Project Page
Fun Bus Page - DOM

Languages Used: JavaScript

In this page I used my previous of Fun Bus Page and added JavaScript to manipulate the DOM using event handlers to add some functionality

GitHub Project Page
Newsfeed Web Page

Languages Used: HTML/CSS, LESS and JavaScript

This build is newsfeed reader, I incorporated a collapsing menu. Also used JavaScript to build out the components.

GitHub Project Page
Lambda Times

Languages Used: HTML/CSS, LESS and JavaScript

In this project I was tasked with creating the Header, Tabs and display the cards using Javascript. Please click the topics tab to get results.

GitHub Project Page
Starwars Cards

Languages Used: React

This page was created using React Components, also I used Axios to fetch the Starwars characters and display them on the page.

React Pizza Form

Languages Used: ReactJS

This page is a form created to order a pizza, this was created using React and components, also I used axios to post to an API

GitHub Project Page
React Pizza Form

Languages Used: ReactJS

This page is a plant shopping cart my task here was to use axios to display the plants and be able to add them to the cart
